Deeper Than Visibility

An animated collage of custom-made stickers featuring several LGBTQ+ terms and their meanings.

A detailed report with striking visuals to amplify the voices of the queer, Black, and trans communities. This report delves deeper than visibility to help build national advocacy and encourage solutions to abolish systemic abuse.

Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative (SNaP Co) is a social justice organization led by the collective efforts of Black and TLGBQ+ activists in Atlanta. It was born as a direct response to the fight against the potential ordinance from the Atlanta City Council that would've criminalized and banned sex workers from living in the city. SNaP Co launched the Deeper Than Visibility report to challenge those in power to not only see them but to hear them. It was a monumental project dedicated to the queer, Black, and trans people struggling against discrimination and institutional abuse. The goal was to educate people on the history of reformist and abolitionist movements to reinforce a safer Atlanta. Among their collaborative partners, YolkWorks reached out for my help in producing an impactful report centered around the beautiful illustrations of Sofahood. Inspired by the vibrant palette, I created the report using hand-drawn elements and explored simple animations within a PDF using Indesign's interactivity feature. I also designed a set of retro stickers for the glossary of terms cited throughout the report, building awareness and educating the masses in a hip, trendy way.


YEAR: 2022

ROLE: Freelance Designer